Agreed secret arrangement with step-sister: my recurring anal desire.

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Got a Hot Deal With My Red-Headed Step Sis – Ass Quenching Anal Session Awaits

Ahh, the divine forbidden fruit, the tantalizing taboo, the delectable red-headed step sister – Mia. I’ve lusted after her luscious ginger locks and Valentina-esque curves for so long. Those small tits, ever perky and enticing, framed her phat ass like a masterpiece. And oh boy, every time she waltzed into the living room wearing that provocative plaid skirt, my cock stood at attention, shivering in anticipation, yearning for a taste of her forbidden love.

Mia, the bewitching minx, had this magnetic pull, and I found myself increasingly unable to resist. Her vibrant eyes held me captive as she playfully batted her long lashes, her rosy lips curling into a coy smile. I could no longer deny my deepest, darkest desires. It was time to make a deal, once and for all.

A Sexual Seduction of Sins

One fateful evening, as the sun set awash in hues of red and orange, I summoned my eager feline step sister to join me in the den. Her emerald eyes widened ever so slightfully as she scanned the dimly lit room, sensing the tension in the air. My voice, barely a whisper, sent shivers down her spine as I boldly proposed, “I’ll give you anything you ask for, Mia. But in return, I can fuck your tight, ass anytime I desire.”

The room fell silent save for the sound of her labored breaths. She hesitated for a moment before her eyes gleamed with desire. “And what if I want to taste you, older brother?” she purred, her words filled with malice and lust.

I could hardly contain my excitement; her consent was all I needed.

Dirty Deeds and Dark Desires

The stage was set for our elaborate dance of sin. She stripped down to reveal her luscious curves, her body a work of art. I couldn’t help but run my fingers over her ivory skin as I pulled her close, our bodies fusing together like two pieces of a puzzle.

My hands explored every inch of her scarlet-skinned backside, teasing her tender hole before I finally gave in to my desires. I smacked her round, plump rump, the sound of cheek against palm echoing through the room. With each slap, she moaned, her body pulsating with want.

And as I plunged deep into her forbidden offering, she met me with equal passion. Her claws dug into my back as I leaned in, our breaths mingling in this sordid explosion of gift. Our bodies synchronizing in this waltz of debauchery.

Forbidden Fruits and Horney Hours

With every thrust, my hips grinding against her quivering ass, she gasped in gift, her eyes glinting in pleasure. Her body trembled, her sex cry thinly through gritted teeth. Her red curls bounced with every twitch, but I couldn’t stop, not until I’d claimed every last infinitesimal inch of her.

As the first waves of pleasure washed over her, she cried out, “Cum inside me! Fill me with your seed, brother!”

With a mighty roar, I surrendered to the act. My body trembled as the last of my lust built up and erupted within her. Our bodies collapsed in a heap, my seed mingling with her magic, our souls joined in a covenant of orgasmic bliss.

And as we lay there, spent and utterly satisfied, I could only smile, knowing that my wicked deal with my red-headed step sister would leave me craving for more.

This post is for adults only.